The Administration Committee "assists" the Session in fulfilling the requirements of the Book of Order, G-3.0201,c.:
Finances- In addition to those responsibilities described in G-3.0113, the session shall prepare and adopt a budget and determine the distribution of the congregation’s benevolences. It shall authorize offerings for Christian purposes and shall account for the proceeds of such offerings and their disbursement. It shall provide full information to the congregation concerning its decisions in such matters. The session shall elect a treasurer for such term as the session shall decide and shall supervise his or her work or delegate that supervision to a board of deacons or trustees. Those in charge of various congregational funds shall report at least annually to the session and more often as requested. Sessions may provide by rule for standard financial practices of the congregation, but shall in no case fail to observe the following procedures:
A. All offerings shall be counted and recorded by at least two duly appointed persons, or by one fidelity bonded person;
B. Financial books and records adequate to reflect all financial transactions shall be kept and shall be open to inspection by authorized church officers at reasonable times;
C. Periodic, and in no case less than annual, reports of all financial activities
shall be made to the session or entity vested with financial oversight.
The Administration Committee shall consist of at least two Elders approved by the Session at its January meeting. The pastor is an "ex-officio" member of the committee.
Recruit staff, as vacancies may occur, with recommendation to the Session;
Conduct annual appraisals of staff with recommendations to the Session regarding performance and salaries and benefits;
Review and update annually, with all committees, the Church Manual of Administration Operations
Develop and implement a Records Management program for inventorying and retaining records of the Church.
(approved by Session July, 15, 2012)
First Presbyterian Church Mabank
Administration And Finance Committee
(Revised May 19, 2019) (05/19/2019 approved by Session)