Congregational Care Committee

The Congregational Care/Evangelism Committee assists the Session in fulfilling the requirements of the Book of Order, G-10.0102 a.b.

  • "to provide opportunities for evangelism to be learned and practiced in and by the church, that members may be better equipped to articulate their faith, to witness in word and deed to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and to invite persons into a new life in Christ," in accordance with G-3.0300:

  • "to receive members into the church upon profession of faith, upon reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ, or upon satisfactory certification of transfer of church membership, provided that circumstances, or any other reason not related to profession of faith,"

            The Congregational Care/Evangelism Committee shall consist of the moderator(s) and at least three members of the congregation.  The Moderator must be an elder currently serving on the Session, with a co-moderator elected from the committee.  At the first meeting of the Session in January, the membership of the committee is received.  the pastor is an ex-officio member of the Committee.  The Committee will meet regularly as needed and as announced in the bulletin (Sunday prior to the meeting) and the newsletter.
The Congregational Care/Evangelism Committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  • to maintain the membership rolls with the participation of the pastor and clerk of the Session;

  • to review and recommend names to be placed on the inactive roll or suspended;

  • to compile and keep up-to-date a list of prospective members;

  • to organize and continue a calling program on prospective members;

  • to assist in assimilating new members into the life of the church by answering questions, making referrals to committees and classes; and involving them in the worship, work, and study of the Faith;

  • to supervise and maintain a Shepherd Plan, where advisable and possible, which embraces all church families in groups called Flocks for the purpose of care and communication;

  • to assist the pastor in the care of the members;

  • to assist in planning and implementing, in cooperation with the Presbyterian Women and other church committees, Family Night suppers, programs, and other special events during the calendar year for the congregation;

  • to assist the Session in providing church news articles (ads or other information) to area newspapers;

  • to supervise production of annual Membership Directory, and

  • to assist the Stewardship Committee in preparation of the church's annual budget needs.









First Presbyterian Church Mabank
Congregational Care/Evangelism Committee










            (Revised May 19, 2019) (05/19/2019 approved by Session)
Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Mabank, Texas