Type of meeting: Date: June 1, 2014
Stated Time: 10:15 am
- Called Place: Sanctuary
- Congregation
Is a quorum present? Yes
Presiding: Rev. Tom Sharon
Opened with prayer and worship by Rev. Sharon
Purpose of the Meeting
1. Rev. Sharon stated that this was a called meeting of both the Congregation and the Corporation of First Presbyterian Church, Mabank to discuss and/or take action to approve:
a). Proposed change to the By-Laws for First Presbyterian Church, Mabank, Texas.
b). Election of the 2014 Nominating Committee.
2. Rev. Sharon declared that the minutes of the February 02, 2014 congregational meeting have been approved by the Session, and are available for review.
Proposed change to the By-Laws of the Corporation
The proposed change, as read to the Congregation by Clerk of Session Harry McCune is as follows:
Current language for paragraph 15:
- The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three elders on the Session serving their final year, one trustee on the Board of Trustees serving in the final year, and five members of the congregation. (G-14.0201 b)
Proposed new language for paragraph 15:
- The Nominating Committee shall be composed of one Ruling Elder who is currently serving on the Session plus three members of the congregation who are not currently serving on the Session. The Pastor shall serve ex-officio and without vote. (G-2.0401)
Rev. Sharon stated that this change had been approved by Session, so no motion was required, but asked for discussion or comments.A motion was made by Bill Burnett and seconded by Richard Siemens that the proposed change be altered to specify that one of the three members not currently on Session be a Trustee.The vote tally on this motion was 21 for, 14 against, which is less than the required 2/3 in favor required, motion failed.
Rev. Sharon then called for a vote on the original proposal.Vote tally was 30 yes, 2 no.Proposal approved by more than 2/3 majority.
Election of the 2014 Nominating Committee
The nominees presented for election were:Guy Gordon, moderator (representing the Session), and three at large members; Donna McCune, Lowell Pahl, and Jimmy Wagner.These nominees were approved by the Session.There were no nominations from the floor, and the vote to approve was unanimous.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion by Carolyn Prince, second by Harrell Dotson to adjourn.All votes yes.
Adjournment (time): 10:35 am
Apostolic Benediction/Prayer: Rev. Tom Sharon
Signed_________________________ Signed_________________________
Rev. Tom Sharon, Pastor and Moderator Harry McCune, Clerk of Session
Title: |
Number |
First Presbyterian Church Mabank |
-2-1 |
(05/19/2019 approved by Session)