Mabank Area Good Samaritans (MAGS)
Mabank Area Food Bank

We are a mission of service ministries comprised of various churches in the Cedar Creek Lake area.
Mabank Area Good Samaritans will seek to respond to the immediate physical needs of people who reside in our area, and to be a channel for all groups of goodwill in serving our fellow men.
Persons with need are to be served regardless of race, sex, social, and/or economic status, national origin, or religious background.
The first Sunday of each month is designated "First Sunday Sharing for MAGS". You are encouraged to make a donation to MAGS in the envelope provided in the pews and/or bring food items and place them in the MAGS box in the Fellowship Hall.
Be a part of this great ministry. MAGS is continually soliciting for new volunteers. Just let Bill or Anne Burnett know if you wish to volunteer. "God doesn't ask what your ability is, but for your availability".
If you wish to make a donation to MAGS, checks can be made out to MAGS and given to Bill or Anne Burnett. You may also make out a check to FPC with MAGS noted in the "memo" block of the check.
First Monday of each month from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM at the First United Methodist Church of Mabank, 501 S 3rd Street, Mabank, Texas. This is also the monthly luncheon.